Sunday, November 8, 2009

Tiling Backsplash How To Extend Outlets

My first home-made bread!

Tonight ... I'm so glad I did it for the first Once the bread home made! ;-)

The idea in my mind already for a little , and seeing countless versions on your blog I could not wait to try .. but then I said .. I do not have the machine bread, sourdough is still a world to discover for me ... what could possibly go?

In my rescue came the cookbook / calendar Paneangeli , which in November proposes precisely this beautiful braided bread. The procedure is simple, you can mix with their hands and the ingredients are the most common of our pantry.

In questa giornata uggiosa non c'era niente di meglio che rintanarsi in cucina, coccolati dal calduccio del forno per impastare, impastare, impastare... che soddisfazione tenere tra le braccia quella treccia così fragrante e profumata e dentro di dirsi: l'ho fatta io!



un cubetto di lievito di birra da 25 gr

220-250 ml di acqua tiepida

400 gr di farina Manitoba

2 cucchiaini di zucchero e altrettanti di sale

4 cucchiai di olio di oliva

Sciogliete il cubetto di lievito in 50 ml di acqua.
In una terrina capiente setacciate la farina e aggiungetevi il sale e lo zucchero mescolando bene.
Al centro del mucchio praticate una buca, nella quale verserete l'olio e il lievito; amalgamate bene il tutto aggiungendo un alla volta l'acqua rimasta.
Lavorate bene l'impasto per una decina di minuti, dopodichè ponetelo a lievitazione nella terrina infarinata, coperto da un burrazzo umido, per circa un'oretta.
Preriscaldate il forno.
Sul piano di lavoro dividete il composto in tre parti uguali, con le which will form the braid, let it rest for about a half 'now, more in a warm place.
After this time place the braid on a baking tray lined with baking paper.
Bake for about 30 minutes at 210 degrees.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Snl Fart Commercial Magic Mouth

dumplings with spinach and swap Christmas 2009

Hello everyone! Start by apologizing for my prolonged absence: this year the university has proved to be really tough, then the new world order inexplicably involved in even we, while not freshmen, you know that the time available I worked entirely to the study ... and even a few odd jobs, alas: (

As I promised in my last post I will begin to offer Tyrolean dishes, I got to enjoy it in Last weekend, past the outskirts of Bolzano, precisely to Caldaro , the kingdom of vineyards with its famous wine route.

A typical dish of the area, all of you certainly know, are the dumplings ( Knodel ), ie bread together in various cheese or bacon, then molded in the shape of balls.
I've tasted for the first time nel'agosto 2007, during my first vacation with my boyfriend in Brunico and I fell in love at first bite.

There are two versions, accompanied by a good beef broth or dry, sprayed by the addition of melted butter with a generous dose of grated cheese .
are good ... but both reached the podium in the dry version of the charts as the best comfort food ;-)

CANEDA WITH SPINACH ( Spinatknödel )

ingredients (dose for 8 dumplings )

300 grams of bread stale

100 grams of frozen spinach

2 tablespoons grated cheese 3 eggs

3 tablespoons flour salt and pepper to taste

butter sauce and grated cheese to taste

Cut the crumb of the bread cubes in (I used the mixer to get it more consistent) and let brown in pan with onion.
Separately, in a bowl, make a dough with spinach previously boiled and chopped, eggs, flour, grated cheese and season with salt and pepper then.
Add the fried bread and onions and mix all ingredients well, with this compound formed the dumplings, cooked in boiling water for about 8 minutes.
Serve sprinkled with melted butter and sprinkled with grated cheese.


Marica for the invitation to swap 2009, ie an exchange of gifts between us foodblogger extended to our readers. For further information

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