Friday, March 11, 2011

Quotes About Death From Cancer

Ciambellone water

Ingredients: 2 eggs

150 g sugar 250 g flour 00
100 grams of corn germ oil
130 grams of water

4 apples 1 teaspoon baking powder

Beat eggs with sugar until frothy. Add the oil and then flush the water. Combine the flour to the mixture and continue to mix everything. Add baking powder and apples.
Bake on a baking sheet at 180 degrees (preheated oven) for 40 minutes or until toothpick with the proof of the cake will not be ready. Allow to cool before eating.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Yamaha Vx Deluxe Covers

Continuando si impara: il top 'primavera' / C'est moi qui l'ai fait 3: le petit haut printanier!

Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Now that I really like it. It will be because I finally sewed a red thing for me, but also because it slowly began to unmark the model proposed by the book (the book, of course, is always that of the previous posts ).
This was originally intended to have short sleeves, that I've cut and sewn, but then I decided to do without it. Only, I think, before he was a bit 'too far ... so I put two side pleats, decorating with a simple but nice.
Je suis pas peu de mon petit haut fairs. The debutante est à son troisième essai de couture,  et de plus en plus satisfaite de ses progrès! :) Il est rouge comme j'aime, il vient lui aussi du célèbre livre Tuniques   mais je lui ai enlevé les manches et ajouté une petite pince sur chaque coté, pour ne pas avoir un effet 'bidon de 7 mois'. Un petit décor pour la rendre plus jolie... et ma tunique est prete à voir le soleil!
Tutto qua. I due tessuti di cotone vengono da ed è stato un piacere cucirli!
C'est tout... tissus en coton achetés chez

Friday, March 4, 2011

Live View / — Axis

Lactose intolerance

Kulinaria A quick change, I'll have to adapt to a new diet: I discovered a few days ago to be lactose intolerant. In these weeks I'm lactose-free feeding for further investigation, but soon I will understand what I'm eating I'll start to publish new recipes.