Hamburger with bacon, mushrooms and zucchini eggplant Parmigiana
a few weeks ago in this part I am making small steps towards a project, more of a dream that avid readers of magazines in the kitchen like me, who have a sort of library home on cakes & co probably understand: it will prepare all (!) that we keep the recipes from time immemorial, posted on the fridge, notes on loose sheets, while the cook to turn on TV there rattles off the - always too fast, eh? - page bookmarks or saved in the infinite Internet.
I realize that I started a titanic task, even for recipes worthy of note multiply exponentially from month to month ... but if that discourages me from one side, the upside is that I will have no problem churning out a totally vegetarian dinner ... or even Emilia, of course! indeed, it is not the ' asian food that depopulated now?!
:-) What I am presenting today is the second of a dinner I made for my girlfriend the other night ... theme? mushrooms galore!
Appointment to early to know what preceded this dish.
serves 4 hamburger
250 grams of pork
minced 2 small zucchini
mushrooms 8 slices of bacon, garlic and parsley
Wash mushrooms quickly under running water to remove any soil, and cut into pieces, do the same for the zucchini. Cook either in a pan with a little oil for about fifteen minutes, add salt and add a little chopped parsley.
In a bowl mix the meat with vegetables, salt and pepper, and form four burgers Wrap it with two slices of bacon each. Bake in a
nonstick skillet, wipe previously with a clove of garlic and anointed with a little 'oil for about 8 minutes.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Ankle Pain After Driving
Ed eccoci qui...
So here comes my little online diary astronomical.
These pages tell of my evenings observing, reporting will be largely with brief descriptions on the objects examined from time to time and my impressions on them.
The type of observation, the results obtained, to the observed differences with different sky conditions, and of course with different setups. Here
next on the right you can see the moon phase each day and their share of lighting, as you learn how, day by day, solar activity.
Last but not least ... this is a video of a few minutes that I recommend to everyone to see and maybe you do turn, in merito al tema dell'inquinamento luminoso.
Personalmente lo reputo splendido sia per come è stata trattata la tematica dell'inquinamento luminoso (basta guardare!) e per la musica che lo accompagna.
Troverete una pagina strumentazione, nella quale potrete appunto visionare gli strumenti utilizzati, e ci sarà anche una pagine dedicata alle riprese planetarie.
A livello di immagini non mi aspetto risultati clamorosi dato che sono un po' agli inizi con questa tecnica e la camera di ripresa in mio possesso fa quello che può, comunque sia ritengo pur sempre interessante presentare i propri lavori a prescindere un pò dai risultati che, si spera, miglioreranno con il tempo, l'esperienza, e tutto..
Le riprese presentate, at least for now, will be purely at the global level, because at the moment I do not have a room for the resumption of deep sky objects including: galaxies, nebulas, star clusters, etc. .. This will be a next step, but not the shooting will be less interesting ....
Personally I think the most interesting shot of the objects of our solar system well loved!
Well, after this brief introduction to my little diary, I just have to greet you and get to work.
I hope the intent of sharing the best, to make pleasant and why not, interestingly, my beloved passion with you all.
So here comes my little online diary astronomical.
These pages tell of my evenings observing, reporting will be largely with brief descriptions on the objects examined from time to time and my impressions on them.
The type of observation, the results obtained, to the observed differences with different sky conditions, and of course with different setups. Here
next on the right you can see the moon phase each day and their share of lighting, as you learn how, day by day, solar activity.
Last but not least ... this is a video of a few minutes that I recommend to everyone to see and maybe you do turn, in merito al tema dell'inquinamento luminoso.
Personalmente lo reputo splendido sia per come è stata trattata la tematica dell'inquinamento luminoso (basta guardare!) e per la musica che lo accompagna.
Troverete una pagina strumentazione, nella quale potrete appunto visionare gli strumenti utilizzati, e ci sarà anche una pagine dedicata alle riprese planetarie.
A livello di immagini non mi aspetto risultati clamorosi dato che sono un po' agli inizi con questa tecnica e la camera di ripresa in mio possesso fa quello che può, comunque sia ritengo pur sempre interessante presentare i propri lavori a prescindere un pò dai risultati che, si spera, miglioreranno con il tempo, l'esperienza, e tutto..
Le riprese presentate, at least for now, will be purely at the global level, because at the moment I do not have a room for the resumption of deep sky objects including: galaxies, nebulas, star clusters, etc. .. This will be a next step, but not the shooting will be less interesting ....
Personally I think the most interesting shot of the objects of our solar system well loved!
Well, after this brief introduction to my little diary, I just have to greet you and get to work.
I hope the intent of sharing the best, to make pleasant and why not, interestingly, my beloved passion with you all.
How To Do Pikachu Makeup
Linderhof Castle (Bavaria-Germany)
Another splendid residence of King Ludwig II, virtually his favorite ...
Linderhof Castle is Ettal (about an hour's drive from the castle of Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau) near the town of Oberammergau (Bavaria South) and in addition to being the only one who saw the King completed is also the smallest, and is surrounded by a huge park that the king ordered the construction around the year 1880.
Seguendo uno dei sentieri all'interno del parco si arriva alla splendida e suggestiva Venusgrotte (Grotta di Venere-ispirata alla Grotta Azzurra di Capri) dove Re Ludwig II passava tante ore a riflettere, meditare e sognare, cullato dall'acqua su una piccola barca a forma di conchiglia, tutt'ora presente nella grotta.
All'interno del castello di Linderhof, gli elementi che accomunano le sue residenze sono lo sfarzo e la ricchezza delle decorazioni e dei materiali.
Semplicemente affascinante è la sala degli specchi, dove la luce delle candele dei candelabri viene riflessa centinaia di volte....un effetto spettacolare!
Re Ludwig II liked to sit and read in this room, I understand why ...
Another little gem is the dining room where you are shown the daily chores that had to play the servants: agriculture, hunting, fishing and gardening.
But the real gem is the table that he prepares himself ( Tischlein-deck-dich)
the table is the centerpiece of the dining room and using a winch connected directly to the kitchens below: all this to ensure that the waiters and servants not to disturb the king while he was eating.
The park can be visited liberamente e da il meglio di sé nella stagione estiva, mentre per il Castello ci sono visite guidate in diverse lingue.
Da metà aprile a metà ottobre dalle 9 alle 18.
Da metà ottobre a marzo dalle 10 alle 16.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Brushing Teeth Soar Throat
Ingredienti :
• farina per seitan (glutine e farina di frumento)
• 1 carota
• 1 costa di sedano
• 1 porro
• 1 cipolla
• semi di senape
• noce moscata
• pepe in grani
• salsa di soia
• aromi a piacere
Dopo aver impastato la farina per seitan (io ho usato questo preparato un mix di glutine di frumento e farina di frumento) con acqua avvolgete l'impasto ottenuto in uno straccio, chiudete ben stretto e mettetelo a bollire in una pentola con gli odori e le verdure precedentemente messe a bollire. Deve cuocere 25 minuti da una parte e 25 minuti dall'altra o comunque assicuratevi che si cucini in maniera omogenea. Cucinate il seitan ottenuto come più vi piace.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Herpes Homeopathic Cure
is one of the classic dishes of Sunday, which on my table campeggerà only that day given the luuuuunga preparation: in fact this morning I started work at 11 or so and I had lunch with Pre of the football league to keep me company.
One reason, beyond being a puppet is that I wanted to follow the original recipe, ergo - as I had mentioned in a previous post - nel mio freezer le melanzane pastellate da friggere non potevano trovare spazio, così come il sugo pronto :-)
Quindi mi sono messa all'opera cercando di fare mille cose contemporaneamente: controllare che le melanzane sul fuoco non bruciassero, che ci fosse abbastanza farina per impanarle e che il sugo sobbollisse dolcemente...e pensando nel frattempo a divertirmi, divertirmi e divertirmi! :-)
dosi per 6 persone
2 melanzane
500 gr di passata di pomodoro
una cipolla
250 gr di mozzarella
150 gr di prosciutto cotto
100 gr di formaggio grattugiato
3 uova
sale fino e grosso, pepe, farina, olio per friggere q.b.
In una casseruola soffriggete in due cucchiai d'olio la cipolla, aggiungete la passata di pomodoro e il basilico, salate e pepate e lasciate sobbollire per circa 10 minuti.
Sbattete in una ciotola le uova. Lavate le melanzane, asciugatele e spuntatele. Tagliatele a fette nel senso della lunghezza ( lo spessore dovrà essere circa mezzo centimetro), e disponetele in un piatto ricoperte di sale grosso di modo che perdano la loro acqua.
Passata mezz 'ora risciacquatele , passatele nelle uova poi nella farina e fatele friggere in olio bollente.
Tagliate le mozzarelle a dadini e il prosciutto a pezzetti.
Distribuite un velo di salsa di pomodoro nella pirofila e fate uno strato da melanzane, facendo seguire un altro mestolino di salsa, un po' di dadini di mozzarella, qualche pezzetto di prosciutto e una spolverata di formaggio. Continuate in questo modo fino ad esaurire gli ingredienti, cercando di terminare con un livello di melanzane, salsa e grattugiato.
Infornate a 180 gradi per 25 minuti.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Brookstone Helicopter Modify
Chickpeas flour
Ingredienti (per 4 persone):
• farina di ceci
• acqua
• pepe
• sale
• olio d'oliva
Mix the chickpea flour and water in a bowl, add salt and stir vigorously to dissolve the lumps of flour. Allow the mixture to stand at least half an hour until a couple of days in the fridge, remembering to stir before using.
Grease a pan with thin layer of olive oil and pour the mixture from the center of the pan to a depth of approximately 5 mm. Before turning to cook the atro side is important to put salt and pepper on the side that will cook and add a little oil, then turn and cook the second side.
Ingredienti (per 4 persone):
• farina di ceci
• acqua
• pepe
• sale
• olio d'oliva
Mix the chickpea flour and water in a bowl, add salt and stir vigorously to dissolve the lumps of flour. Allow the mixture to stand at least half an hour until a couple of days in the fridge, remembering to stir before using.
Grease a pan with thin layer of olive oil and pour the mixture from the center of the pan to a depth of approximately 5 mm. Before turning to cook the atro side is important to put salt and pepper on the side that will cook and add a little oil, then turn and cook the second side.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Sore Throat In The Morning And Evening?
Carrot cake soup dumplings
This cake reminds me so much of my childhood, when I came home from school and her grandmother, to enjoy delicious snacks and spoil a little, I did find in the kitchen.
I'm glad I discovered a recipe that I can somehow turn back time, but fortunately this is not the only fact, and looking informing me, I found many dishes I prepare, not feeling too much difference than those from small gustavo:-p
ingredients for a mold of 24/26 cm
200 grams of sugar
4 eggs
220 grams of flour
350 grams of carrots
100 grams of blanched almonds
a packet of yeast
In a bowl whisk the eggs with sugar, add the carrots and almonds, both previously chopped in a blender - the almonds rather grossolonamente -, flour and baking powder. Mix together and pour the mixture into a mold opening circle: bake at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes.
This cake reminds me so much of my childhood, when I came home from school and her grandmother, to enjoy delicious snacks and spoil a little, I did find in the kitchen.
I'm glad I discovered a recipe that I can somehow turn back time, but fortunately this is not the only fact, and looking informing me, I found many dishes I prepare, not feeling too much difference than those from small gustavo:-p
ingredients for a mold of 24/26 cm
200 grams of sugar
4 eggs
220 grams of flour
350 grams of carrots
100 grams of blanched almonds
a packet of yeast
In a bowl whisk the eggs with sugar, add the carrots and almonds, both previously chopped in a blender - the almonds rather grossolonamente -, flour and baking powder. Mix together and pour the mixture into a mold opening circle: bake at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Where Can I Watch Ikusa Otome Valkyrie
Castle Hohenschwangau (Bavaria-Germany)
Schwangau: il "paese dei castelli reali", così si può definire questo piccolo angolo del Mondo dove sono state fatte edificare le antiche dimore del Re Ludwig II (1845-1886), anche conosciuto come il "Re triste".
Il Castello di Hohenschwangau fu fatto ricostruire tra il 1832 ed il 1836 dal sovrano bavarese Massimiliano II, where King Ludwig II spent his childhood.
scenario where there is the fairy-tale castle is surrounded by mature trees with a romantic view of the village below (Schwangau) and the deep waters of the romantic lake Alpsee.
The castle is a large parking fee and the ticket (ticketcenter) where you can buy tickets for the castle of Hohenschwangau, which for the most famous castle of Neuschwanstein .
The castle is open to the public all year round, except Shrove Tuesday, Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve and New Year at the following times: October to March from 10 am to 16, from April to September from 9 am to 18.
Here are some pictures of the castle and its surroundings ...
Friday, September 10, 2010
Sims 3 Egypt Find Relic Of Eternity
In the previous post I mentioned my summer vacation spent Alto Adige is 4 years my boyfriend and I chose that area to loosen, even :-) escape from the frenetic city - there's just him busy during our walks, which often I above meters and meters, making me feel like a snail -;
every year ... then taste the cuisine and culinary traditions of the place, which were complemented with tortellini and tigelle in my heart!
But you can not wait 365 days before savor dumplings & co, no? : D
course, and so ... home made version! Last year I opted for my favorite, the Spinatknödel sprayed with butter, quest'anno vi presento quelli in brodo, che forse vi faranno sentire meno in colpa, dato che non ci sarà la classica scarpetta finale.. ;-)
dose per circa 10 canederli
300 gr di pane raffermo
100 gr di speck in un'unica fetta
2 uova
1-2 bicchieri di latte ( q.b.)
mezza cipolla bianca
2 cucchiai di farina
1 lt di brodo di carne
sale, prezzemolo, erba cipollina
In una ciotola riunite il pane raffermo e lo speck, Both cut into cubes. Separately, beat the eggs with a glass of milk and parsley, and add this mixture to the bread. Mix briefly with your hand, so that we can amalgamate all the best.
Let rest for about half an hour, covering the bowl with a towel, while you fry the onion in a knob of butter, and add to mixture with the flour and salt.
At this point - with wet hands in cold-formed into balls the size of 6-8 cm, then rolled in flour.
Cook the dumplings in boiling water ready for about 15 minutes, remove them with a slotted spoon and serve with the hot broth sprinkled with a handful of chives.
every year ... then taste the cuisine and culinary traditions of the place, which were complemented with tortellini and tigelle in my heart!
But you can not wait 365 days before savor dumplings & co, no? : D
course, and so ... home made version! Last year I opted for my favorite, the Spinatknödel sprayed with butter, quest'anno vi presento quelli in brodo, che forse vi faranno sentire meno in colpa, dato che non ci sarà la classica scarpetta finale.. ;-)
dose per circa 10 canederli
300 gr di pane raffermo
100 gr di speck in un'unica fetta
2 uova
1-2 bicchieri di latte ( q.b.)
mezza cipolla bianca
2 cucchiai di farina
1 lt di brodo di carne
sale, prezzemolo, erba cipollina
In una ciotola riunite il pane raffermo e lo speck, Both cut into cubes. Separately, beat the eggs with a glass of milk and parsley, and add this mixture to the bread. Mix briefly with your hand, so that we can amalgamate all the best.
Let rest for about half an hour, covering the bowl with a towel, while you fry the onion in a knob of butter, and add to mixture with the flour and salt.
At this point - with wet hands in cold-formed into balls the size of 6-8 cm, then rolled in flour.
Cook the dumplings in boiling water ready for about 15 minutes, remove them with a slotted spoon and serve with the hot broth sprinkled with a handful of chives.
Heather Friend Brooke
Ingredients: 500 gr flour
400 grams salt to taste water
5 g yeast 1 teaspoon honey
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