Saturday, September 4, 2010

How To Clean Tumbled Marble Shower

Nel mio armadio. 1 /Dans mon armoire. 1

Ho detto qui che voglio ridurre di molto i miei acquisti di vestiario, e contemporaneamente imparare a trasformare e riadattare alle mie esigenze tutto quello che ho preso nei mesi precedenti (spesso acquisti impulsivi di cui non avevo grande necessità).
Certo saper cucire sarebbe un punto di partenza necessario e consigliabile, but lack of technique and experience, I try to replace it with will and commitment and with the nerve of the 'beginner creative'.
Obviously I will start a few simple moves, but hoping that little by little (well, as quickly as possible) may be able to handle scissors and sewing machine as the shy designer hidden in me dreams for years;)

The title of my post (which I hope will become a new section of the blog) is inspired by the splendid initiative of Eolune a few months ago created this blog to motivate many people as possible to ridurre i suoi acquisti e crearsi da sè il proprio guardaroba. Io per ora guardo, seguo i loro progressi, sperando presto di potermi unire al gruppo!

E per cominciare vi mostro la trasformazione di una cappa rossa:
l'avevo presa su Ebay vincendo un'asta per 5 euro. L'inserzione diceva che era nuova, ma veniva venduta per taglia sbagliata. Pura lana, e rossa. L'ho presa senza pensarci.

J'en avais déjà parlé : je voudrais acheter de moins en moins des nouveaux vetements, et apprendre à customiser et récupérer ce que j'ai dans mes armoires, trop souvent never or almost never used.
It's true I do not know (yet) but I sew my little Mac and I'm full of resolutions:) I hope this will satisfy me (of optimism is not what I miss!)

The title of my post is inspired by the beautiful idea of \u200b\u200bEolune ( his blog is here ) who created in February, In our cabinets ' a blog to motivate those involved to create his own wardrobe without anything (or nothing) to buy.

To start my resolutions, I propose the transformation of a red cape. I bought a few months ago on Ebay ... when she arrived, I realized it was huge for me!
Quando è happened, ho scoperto che ci potevo dormire dentro, tant'era ampia. Ma non mi sono persa ... animo of Perdonate the pictures, the Foga creativa ha avuto sopravvento it!
Ho tagliato at will
But even when she was very beautiful, very soft, very flexible, 100% wool ... and red, even if my photos are color except the original mile ...
J'ai donc aux coupes ciseaux ... coupe beaucoup!
I set new piping
and I sewed by hand after the fact, however, just cut the zigzag edge. I also removed the three gold buttons and replacing them with horrible blacks vintage buttons recovered from the treasures of the great-grandmother!
is ready now, beautiful, soft, very warm and embracing ... I even ironed:)
pity that I can not make the color, natural light would ...
Et après la coupe, the couture! Tout doucement pour ne pas l'abimer! 
J'ai mis des boutons noirs qui appartenaient à la grande mère de maman!
Et la voilà, je l'adore!
Aspetta i primi freddi, ma ai piedi delle Dolomiti già settembre è un buon mese per le prime lingue dell'inverno (purtroppo).
Elle attend maintenant l'arrivée du froid pour etre utilisée, mais puisque j'habite en montagne, ça se passera bientot, malheureusement!


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