Ingredients: 200 gr chickpea flour, 500 g spinach freschi, 50 gr di nocciole tritate, 400 ml di latte, 1 cucchiao di burro, 3 cucchiai di farina, noce moscata, 1 porro, 2 spicchi d'aglio, parmiggiano grattugiato, sale, pepe.
Amalgamare la farina di ceci con 400 ml d'acqua fino a formare una pastella liscia. Coprire con cellophan e tenere in frigo meglio se tutta la notte (almeno un paio d'ore) . Dopo aver fatto riposare la pastella aggiungere il porro crudo tagliato a fettine sottili.
Preparare la besciamella mettendo in un pot warmed butter and flour, to form the nut and begins to dissolve in the warm milk (400 ml) you can see here the procedure . Aggiungengere nutmeg, salt and Parmesan just cooked. In the meantime we sobbolito and cooked fresh spinach with olive oil and garlic, made it cool and then add to the sauce.
Start making the pancakes as thin as possible, cook well on both sides with salt and pepper and begin to stack them in a dish by placing between a pancake and the other the béchamel sauce and spinach. Last hazelnuts for garnish.
Preparare la besciamella mettendo in un pot warmed butter and flour, to form the nut and begins to dissolve in the warm milk (400 ml) you can see here the procedure . Aggiungengere nutmeg, salt and Parmesan just cooked. In the meantime we sobbolito and cooked fresh spinach with olive oil and garlic, made it cool and then add to the sauce.
Start making the pancakes as thin as possible, cook well on both sides with salt and pepper and begin to stack them in a dish by placing between a pancake and the other the béchamel sauce and spinach. Last hazelnuts for garnish.
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