Friday, December 31, 2010

What Does Low Hemoglobin Mean?


Er primo è pe’ li presciolosi,
er siconno pe’ li sposi,
er terzo pe’ l’innamorati,
er quarto pe’ li disperati….
se ce vole pure er quinto
me sa tanto che sei finto!
(filastrocca con la quale i bambini contavano i bocconi)

Ingredienti per 8 maritozzi:
200 g di farina
1 bustina di lievito di birra
1 uovo
un pizzico di sale
50 g di burro
3 cucchiai colmi di zucchero
un cucchiaio di buccia candied orange or citron

Mix the flour with the yeast as when you prepare the bread dough, add the egg and butter. Knead the dough by combining 2 tablespoons of sugar. Put the dough in a bowl and cover with a cloth, let rise 3 hours, doubled in volume, work the dough long, so that the mixture is smooth. Divide the dough into 8-10 pieces of oval shape. Arrange the sandwiches on a greased plate (or cartaforno) and let it rise a couple of hours.
Bake at 250 degrees and cook for 7-8 minutes. Remove from oven and brush with maritozzi 1 tablespoon sugar dissolved in a little water. Put off in the oven for 2-3 minutes to dry the surface. Fill with fresh cream.

Already in Roman times, there were loaves of the largest current maritozzi, which were mixed with flour, eggs, butter (or more probably oil) salt and sweetened by adding honey and raisins, currant would seem to derive from this ancient skill.
It is said that for centuries women were the hole in the saddle bags of leather or fabric of the laborers, away from home all day, they had to bring along the essentials to eat this bread and enriched it was very appropriate.
In the Middle Ages, the size is reduced and these pagnotelle - darker in color because cooked more and the mixture enriched with raisins, pine nuts and candied fruit - become a sort of "soft emergency 'that you ate in Lent, especially when the other sweets were forbidden. "Er maritozzi saint, also known as Lenten was one of the few exceptions granted to the fasting period.
According to later tradition, the gift became the maritozzi good omen that the bride gave her boyfriend on the first Friday of March (today's Valentine's Day at that time fell in the middle of Lent). In this case, the cake had a surface decoration of sugar representing two broken hearts, and often concealed within it a ring or a small gold object. The origin the name derives from the deformation of the burlesque "husband" lovingly called by the bride 'currant' or almost husband. The Roman poet Gioacchino Belli (800) described them as "diamond-shaped bread made of flour, oil, sugar and sometimes candied, or anise, or raisins breads of these ... there is much consumption in Lent"
Today is also called maritozzi Panmarito, Panparito, Maritello depending on the area where it is prepared.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Digital Playgroung Online Free

Something is happening: the scarf all round! / Les Debuts: the Echarpe en ronds!

Abbiamo detto che sono una principiante, e fin qui, visti i lavori postati finora, nessuno avrà dei dubbi. Ma non è che una principiante debba continuare per sempre a fare le solite cose... facciamole provare qualcosa di più impegnativo così si distrae...
Je suis une débutante, cela on le sait et on le voit... mais meme une débutante peut s'amuser, n'est-ce pas?
Se conoscete questo libro sapete di cosa parlo... Purtroppo non lo si trova (ancora) su (nemmeno su per la verità), io l'ho trovato su ebay... per chi come me non sapeva fare altro che dritto e rovescio (e punto riso!) si apre un mondo! Inutile dire che non avevo mai usato un gioco di ferri, che fatico a tenerne 4 in mano, che ogni tanto mi scivola qualche punto, che ci sto mettendo un tempo esagerato... ma volete mettere la soddisfazione?! 
J'ai trouvé ce livre sur Ebay et je l'ai adoré: Pas easy to understand, for me, either because it is in Japanese and very little English (and my English level is pretty nil knitting dictionary) or because I have not mastered any of the techniques we speak (I-Cord, BO, etc.. .. I had to spend some time on you tube to help me !)... And of course I had never touched a set of hands ...
But my little knitting ahead, slowly slowly. And I'm enormously proud, and sharing this discovery with you! :)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Cover Letter For Beauty

Regional Park of Campo dei Fiori, Varese - Panorama missed

Located north of the Varese Regional Park of Campo dei Fiori offers numerous hiking and photography. In this cold winter season is ideal for out of the monotony of daily life, to make short trips and to make stunning panoramic photographs.

Despite the low temperatures and short days, my brother and I decided to go to watch the sunrise from the viewpoint of the Campo dei Fiori, Varese, near the gate where the road begins Astronomical Observatory GVSchiaparelli - Citadel of Science of Nature.

immersed in a surreal silence and the faint moonlight that filters through the trees, we reach the lookout at 6:50 ... horizon, the first rays of dawn welcome us, while still illuminated Varese a thousand lights is still sleeping ...

Place the tripod and camera: and off to take pictures! The view is so beautiful and charming that almost makes us forget that we are in winter (in the morning calm, some mist on the plain, low humidity and temperature -4 ° to about 1100 m of altitude).

A photograph leads to another, time passes and the light on the horizon is becoming more intense: the spectacle of the dawn of December 29, 2010 ... read more saturated colors, shades and below us the incredible city Varese, which begins to look more defined here ... all of a sudden appearing out of nowhere also the Lake of Varese and ... click, click, click ....

After about half an hour, at about 7:30, we decided to go GVSchiaparelli Astronomical Observatory, more precisely on the terrace to watch the first rays of sun that lights the Monte Rosa. We come to the Citadel of Science at 7:50, the view is breathtaking, you see the whole chain of the Alps, with the Monte Rosa massif that stands majestically in all its beauty.

Because of haze and some clouds on the horizon the whole profile of the Alps is still in shadow, but the magic here at 7:58! The high peaks of Monte Rosa began to be illuminated by the first rays of the sun and gradually the colors are accentuated more .... there are no words to describe the wonder and excitement that this show gives us ...

Here are some pictures that best describe the feelings that surely we tried ...

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Adres Meilowy Adrian Latoszek Tarnowskie Góry

sweater and crochet: my first books to learn the second part / et Tricot crochet: mes livres pour débuter, the suite

Ci eravamo Lasciati which poco prima del mio secondo ordine su Amazon ... Ora c'è davvero l'imbarazzo della scelta, nel giro di pochi minuti mi sono trovata un carrello con oltre 20 titoli e ho dovuto fare una scrematura. Primo obiettivo: scegliere libri immediatamente disponibili, unica condizione per riceverli prima di Natale. Secondo: qualcosa di utile da sfruttare durante le mie vacanze che saranno, e me lo merito, all'insegna del riposo e del silenzio.
E così ho tenuto questi quattro, che sono arrivati, va detto, già il 22 dicembre! (e tutti scontati del 30%). Neanche da specificare che ho curiosato subito senza aspettare :)
Avendo intenzione di dedicarmi all'uncinetto, in cui sono ai primissimi passi, ho preso Uncinetto: 300 consigli e Trucchi del mestiere che AIUTA rifinire Others personalizzare i lavori ed è una buona guida per l'ha nessuno che non autodidatta a cui chiedere aiuto.
Here I told you I would do my second order books on Amazon brand new Italian ... That is done, my parcel has traveled very quickly and I could not wait to open on 25 ...
For starters, a better book to learn to crochet, Uncinetto: 300 Trucchi e consigli del mestiere . Yes, I know I am a super novice, but it is not the opinion of me is missing!
Mi piace, e penso che mi sarà anche useful.
Secondo libro, semper uncinetto, questa volta alcuni modelli my copiare da o da interpretare: Fashion and hook: 35 designs for all seasons .
I like him and I hope it will be useful for my projects (I always think big!)
The avevo già visto ampiamente sul web e visto il presso bassissimo ho pensato che averlo fra le mani fosse meglio che guardarlo su Picasa. unico neo, richiede una conoscenza avanzata della tecnica... ma sarà mai questo a fermarmi?! 
Terzo libro, questa volta uncinetto e maglia; Crochet - Tricot. Accessoires Mode . 
Je l'avais déjà vu et étudié sur les albums Picasa mais j'ai préféré l'acheter pour le feuilleter chez moi. Pas pour débutantes, mais je l'aime quand meme!  
Troisième livre, véritable coup de foudre: Crochet - Tricot. Accessoires Mode
And I like very much, but just as much. I think the author, Hikaru Noguchi, both Japanese and has a wealth of insights and ideas and projects very nice. The ease I have not tested yet, but I have two weeks to try it!
Finally, last but not least, a small book a bit 'different title and cover but which have attracted me irresistibly.
Pour finish it here a livre parle pas (ou pas seulement) de tricot et que j'ai adopte corn crochet dès que j'ai vu the turndown
Felt me a smile is still better than it looks outside, it is pure poetry, both lyrically and in the work presented. Should be peeled before calmly for the pleasure of looking at it, and then, later, it is studied as a handbook.
Felt me \u200b\u200ba smile nous parle de poésie et de laine feutrée, tout plein d'idées et très douces creatives, tendres de mots, de Jolies photos.
Now the books are ... in the next post I should start to show the first works!
Les livres sont là, maintenant on verra si j'arriverai à produire des petits chefs d'oeuvres!!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Consumer Reports Best Pool Heater

Photo of the day

Foto presa in prestito dal sito del
Ore e ore a farti bello, impomatàti i capelli fino all'ultimo pelo (posticcio), cerone steso in ogni poro, rughe liftate fino a sembrare un bambolotto... e poi ti fai fotografare così?

Era una serata nervosa e di pessimo umore, e grazie al nostro Mitico ho ritrovato il sorriso!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Anusol Vs Preparation H

sweater and crochet: my first books to learn / looper et Tricot: mes livres pour débuter

Un bel giorno, un anno dopo aver capito come si tengono in mano i ferri da maglia, mi son detta che avrei anche potuto regalarmi qualche libro per capire come passare dalla sciarpa al livello successivo... e giacchè c'ero, perchè non imparare anche a usare l'uncinetto?
Aggiungete che dal 19 novembre abbiamo che propone libri (non moltissimi per ora, ma come inizio non c'è male!) anche in francese e inglese a prezzi scontati mediamente del 30%... bè io ho deciso di testarlo, ordinando qualcosa per iniziare!
E così, in primis, ho preso Le tricot For Dummies da tempo che era in cima alla mia lista attesa of.
One day the poor Italians have been entitled to them as their course and I decided to enjoy! The books all have a discount of 30% even foreign books ...
To begin, I chose The Knitting for Dummies
Mantiene sue the promise. Ah, withstanding reed nella versione italiana , a me faceva comodo in inglese per migliorare la mia conoscenza dei termini tecnici (sapevo mica, per esempio, che sono edges i margini di un lavoro a maglia... Di questa collana io ho altri libri, e li trovo veramente ben fatti per chi ne sa poco o niente e vuol capire qualcosa.
J'aurais pu l'acheter en italien, mais je voulais mieux comprendre les 'mot techniques' en français. J'en suis très satisfaite, je trouve qu'il sera bien utile pour me sortir de mes difficultés. 

Risolto il problema dell'ABC della maglia, ho pensato anche a mia figlia dodicenne, che ha la manualità di un elefante ma non difetta di buona volontà. Per lei ho quindi preso due volumetti facili in tutti i sensi: poche pagine, pochi progetti, per principianti absolute, and in French, so that she carries (two birds with the usual stone!).
The first was Petits tricots faciles for what it costs (3 € and 80) that is widely spending: it is full of funny ideas and achievable within a few hours, starting with delicious clutches for cell visible on the cover :
Une fois pense à moi, j'ai voulu trouver des petits Bouquins pour ma fille, en tricot corn débutant aussi en français:), j'ai donc choisir Petits tricots here faciles pour 3.80 euros him donner plein d'idées pour ses petites Creations!
The second, even easier because it was built for those who do not yet know nothing of decreases and increases, is tricots simples, also in the price of a snack cakes (4.84 €) and ideas interesting, including her purse and the scarf curled cover
Et, encore pour la Miss, Tricot simples, pour ne pas la vie avec des he compliquer des augmentations et diminutions!
Finally, because these days there were still a few titles available, I took a final volume, ideas mesh hoping to find, in fact, some ideas.
J'ai voulu me Gater aussi avec ce meme pas de bouquin 30 pages, ideas mesh
There are very few models nice, too bad that the explanations for the beginner that I am, are rather sketchy and no patterns. No regrets, because even that has cost just over € 3.
But just a moment ago, while writing this post, I saw that on the site by typing the word crocheted, or knitted, or knitting, there are many more books ... and buying later today I'll also say that the package under the tree ... ho trovato qualcosa di interessante da fare per occupare il mio pomeriggio casalingo :D
  Il y a des modèles que j'ai aimé tout de suite, mais j'ai l'impression que les explications seront difficiles pour moi. Pas grave, je l'ai payé peu plus que 3 euros!
Quand j'ai fait ma commande, n'offrait pas encore beaucoup de livres sur  le tricot... mais je viens de voir que maintenant on a un bon choix... et j'ai aussi le temps de recevoir mon colis avant Noel!!!  Voilà, je sais comment je passerai mon après midi!

Prima di chiudere order, however, I also wanted a small volume sull'uncinetto, just to see if it was within my reach, and so I took the book crochet that I liked, at least for the look I gave him.
J'ai aussi sur le livre command a hook. There, pour moi, C'était tout à découvrir. Je suis sur Tombea The book crochet, très Basique ...
many pages devoted to the school, is still at a level 'for beginners', but leads to a good mastery of technique. We hope this is true, in the meantime I've also made light of threads!
Giacché c'ero, ho anche pensato ad un libro che avevo visto su internet e che mi incuriosiva parecchio... Generation T: beyond fashion. 120 new ways to transform a t-shirt . 
Tout à fait ce dont j'ai besoin. Pas encore commencé à l'utiliser, je vais bientot vous dire s'il m'a appris quelque chose! 
J'ai profité de ma première commande pour m'offrir ce dernier livre que j'avais vu un peu partout sur les blogs... Generation T: beyond fashion. 120 new ways to transform a t-shirt
Come the title says, offers 120 ideas to transform their shirts into something sexier or more useful or more pleasant. For example, a shirt you worship but do not enter more ... can become a pillow, I never thought of? (With half-page photograph below I hope it did not infringe copyright ...)
Plein d'idées pour transformer sa t-shirt he donner et une nouvelle vie ... Seems to me an exemplar les 120 ... en couvre a coussin?!
update after Christmas shopping for others ...
Rendez-vous après les Derniers achats pour Noel ... ;)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Insurance Water Heater Condominium

Appennini lunari e cratere Copernicus

After more than a month of inactivity due to bad weather and some effort, I finally managed to make some new observation and another two times.
In this session, given also the positive phase of the moon, I dedicated to a location on the Moon which I consider among the most fascinating, the ridge of the Apennines and the crater Copernicus.
This chain extends to a length of 950 km along the southeast margin of the Imbrium sea and on the east overlooking the sea and on a portion of Vaporum Serenitatis. At its southern end is the crater Eratosthenes (60 km diameter and 3900 meters high walls), in the immediate vicinity of the first rise the ramparts of this majestic mountain range.
Afterwards I moved to the crater Copernicus, because, besides being really nice to see, has a resume quite interesting
Age estimated to be 800 million years, about 95 km diameter crater, about 3.8 km height of the walls
training center that stands out in all its glory, consists of three isolated mountains that rise up to 1.2 km.
What about the night, cold as it was really exciting; The comments did not last long (purtroppo!) due to a commitment, but were strong enough to make me quickly forget the period of forced inactivity due to this rather unstable weather .. or better .. too stable in the negative. Clicking the link below you will see the two images extrapolated from the icy evening of 15 December 2010.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Calories In Betty Crocker Box Brownies

Ingredients to make the pastry: 155 gr
flour 62 gr.
starch 150 gr.
butter 100 gr.
sugar 1 egg 1 teaspoon honey
grated lemon peel
vanilla Mix butter and sugar, add sifted flour and starch and the egg, orange peel and vanilla. With the mixture to make a ball and let riposarte in the fridge for half an hour. Prepare the crust according to your preferences.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

What Does A Neuroglia Do And Where

Christmas wreath with roses superfacili. Tutorial / Décoration de Noel 1: The screw-couronne faite. Tutoriel

The wreath, stripped, walked around the house a few years. Coincidentally, during one of the many steps from one box to another is done together with scraps of red wool cape of my ... and watching them nearby, I said to myself that were just made one for everyone else! No sooner said than done. Half an hour, which is the maximum time I can devote to something before thrown back exhausted on the couch (even better times will come not!)
J'avais depuis cette couronne des années, et cet après midi je ai vue à coté chutes de laine rouge de mes souvenirs de but cape. J'ai tout de suite de fabriquer decides une déco de Noel à sauce but, c'est à faite say screw!
I used scraps of red wool (replaceable with felt or fleece) and hot glue.
the heart of the rose you get with this half-circle, which is folded on itself and secure with a hot glue (by the way, is very practical, dirty but everything he touches ... so usarne a trickle-ino-ino).
Pour réaliser, j'ai utilisé my falls red wool (but also with fleece or felt it would be perfect) and my glue gun. Nothing else, not even half an hour to finish everything!
If tagliano poi più o meno altri Petali semicircolare if fissano e alla base con la colla, ripetendo the Operazione per quattro volte o be a seconda che più o meno Vogliano fiori grown. Per rendere più Realistic mettet una punta di colla e sul retro del PETALO pizzicatelo leggermente, in modo da formare a Bordino ripiegato
For starters, a half circle that goes back on itself to form the same heart. All around, the other half circles, three or four, coller an après L'Autre. Plier chaque petals pour donner him an air plus vrai (j'ai mis a tout petit peu de fixer pour the hill PLIE)
Now the flowers are ready and can be pasted on the wreath.
The final effect is very simple and I like it so much! Tomorrow, the hang out of the door and scatter a nice photo:)
Voilà, la rose est priest. Je les collées to couronne et j'aime beaucoup sur but the rendu, et simple class!

Monday, December 6, 2010

My Nose Looks Crooked In The Mirror

scarves to shrugs. Recycling 4 balls / The Echarpe here devint a chauffe épaules

A year ago this time I had thrown in my first knitted creation: a long scarf in garter stitch, with a wonderful yarn Cat.
Looking in the closet, though, seemed so important ...
ya a an, je réalisais mon tout premier tricot, une très longue Echarpe au point mousse.
Très simple à faire, beaucoup de satisfaction pour débutant que j'étais (et que je suis encore) corn franchement trop trop longue pour moi est haute here (euhm. ..) 1.54
and thus complicit in the long hours on the couch, I unpacked my job a turn after another, getting a two pound gomitolone:)
and have not sought any ideas on the Internet, I immediately launched the new version: 45 mesh with 10 rows, you work up until you finish the rice yarn. Ah, the creation of this masterpiece took me a Sunday afternoon!
But that satisfaction ... I really like and it is high enough to roll the neck at will!
Et bien, the profit hier j'ai de mon après midi sur le canapé pour tout défaire, j'ai obtenu une ball of 200 grams and with that and are needles nr. 10 I 45 mesh mounted I soon worked in seed stitch . At the end of the afternoon, I had my new heater shoulders very beautiful, very warm and very practical which I'm quite proud!