Sunday, December 19, 2010

Anusol Vs Preparation H

sweater and crochet: my first books to learn / looper et Tricot: mes livres pour débuter

Un bel giorno, un anno dopo aver capito come si tengono in mano i ferri da maglia, mi son detta che avrei anche potuto regalarmi qualche libro per capire come passare dalla sciarpa al livello successivo... e giacchè c'ero, perchè non imparare anche a usare l'uncinetto?
Aggiungete che dal 19 novembre abbiamo che propone libri (non moltissimi per ora, ma come inizio non c'è male!) anche in francese e inglese a prezzi scontati mediamente del 30%... bè io ho deciso di testarlo, ordinando qualcosa per iniziare!
E così, in primis, ho preso Le tricot For Dummies da tempo che era in cima alla mia lista attesa of.
One day the poor Italians have been entitled to them as their course and I decided to enjoy! The books all have a discount of 30% even foreign books ...
To begin, I chose The Knitting for Dummies
Mantiene sue the promise. Ah, withstanding reed nella versione italiana , a me faceva comodo in inglese per migliorare la mia conoscenza dei termini tecnici (sapevo mica, per esempio, che sono edges i margini di un lavoro a maglia... Di questa collana io ho altri libri, e li trovo veramente ben fatti per chi ne sa poco o niente e vuol capire qualcosa.
J'aurais pu l'acheter en italien, mais je voulais mieux comprendre les 'mot techniques' en français. J'en suis très satisfaite, je trouve qu'il sera bien utile pour me sortir de mes difficultés. 

Risolto il problema dell'ABC della maglia, ho pensato anche a mia figlia dodicenne, che ha la manualità di un elefante ma non difetta di buona volontà. Per lei ho quindi preso due volumetti facili in tutti i sensi: poche pagine, pochi progetti, per principianti absolute, and in French, so that she carries (two birds with the usual stone!).
The first was Petits tricots faciles for what it costs (3 € and 80) that is widely spending: it is full of funny ideas and achievable within a few hours, starting with delicious clutches for cell visible on the cover :
Une fois pense à moi, j'ai voulu trouver des petits Bouquins pour ma fille, en tricot corn débutant aussi en français:), j'ai donc choisir Petits tricots here faciles pour 3.80 euros him donner plein d'idées pour ses petites Creations!
The second, even easier because it was built for those who do not yet know nothing of decreases and increases, is tricots simples, also in the price of a snack cakes (4.84 €) and ideas interesting, including her purse and the scarf curled cover
Et, encore pour la Miss, Tricot simples, pour ne pas la vie avec des he compliquer des augmentations et diminutions!
Finally, because these days there were still a few titles available, I took a final volume, ideas mesh hoping to find, in fact, some ideas.
J'ai voulu me Gater aussi avec ce meme pas de bouquin 30 pages, ideas mesh
There are very few models nice, too bad that the explanations for the beginner that I am, are rather sketchy and no patterns. No regrets, because even that has cost just over € 3.
But just a moment ago, while writing this post, I saw that on the site by typing the word crocheted, or knitted, or knitting, there are many more books ... and buying later today I'll also say that the package under the tree ... ho trovato qualcosa di interessante da fare per occupare il mio pomeriggio casalingo :D
  Il y a des modèles que j'ai aimé tout de suite, mais j'ai l'impression que les explications seront difficiles pour moi. Pas grave, je l'ai payé peu plus que 3 euros!
Quand j'ai fait ma commande, n'offrait pas encore beaucoup de livres sur  le tricot... mais je viens de voir que maintenant on a un bon choix... et j'ai aussi le temps de recevoir mon colis avant Noel!!!  Voilà, je sais comment je passerai mon après midi!

Prima di chiudere order, however, I also wanted a small volume sull'uncinetto, just to see if it was within my reach, and so I took the book crochet that I liked, at least for the look I gave him.
J'ai aussi sur le livre command a hook. There, pour moi, C'était tout à découvrir. Je suis sur Tombea The book crochet, très Basique ...
many pages devoted to the school, is still at a level 'for beginners', but leads to a good mastery of technique. We hope this is true, in the meantime I've also made light of threads!
Giacché c'ero, ho anche pensato ad un libro che avevo visto su internet e che mi incuriosiva parecchio... Generation T: beyond fashion. 120 new ways to transform a t-shirt . 
Tout à fait ce dont j'ai besoin. Pas encore commencé à l'utiliser, je vais bientot vous dire s'il m'a appris quelque chose! 
J'ai profité de ma première commande pour m'offrir ce dernier livre que j'avais vu un peu partout sur les blogs... Generation T: beyond fashion. 120 new ways to transform a t-shirt
Come the title says, offers 120 ideas to transform their shirts into something sexier or more useful or more pleasant. For example, a shirt you worship but do not enter more ... can become a pillow, I never thought of? (With half-page photograph below I hope it did not infringe copyright ...)
Plein d'idées pour transformer sa t-shirt he donner et une nouvelle vie ... Seems to me an exemplar les 120 ... en couvre a coussin?!
update after Christmas shopping for others ...
Rendez-vous après les Derniers achats pour Noel ... ;)


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