Sunday, December 12, 2010

What Does A Neuroglia Do And Where

Christmas wreath with roses superfacili. Tutorial / Décoration de Noel 1: The screw-couronne faite. Tutoriel

The wreath, stripped, walked around the house a few years. Coincidentally, during one of the many steps from one box to another is done together with scraps of red wool cape of my ... and watching them nearby, I said to myself that were just made one for everyone else! No sooner said than done. Half an hour, which is the maximum time I can devote to something before thrown back exhausted on the couch (even better times will come not!)
J'avais depuis cette couronne des années, et cet après midi je ai vue à coté chutes de laine rouge de mes souvenirs de but cape. J'ai tout de suite de fabriquer decides une déco de Noel à sauce but, c'est à faite say screw!
I used scraps of red wool (replaceable with felt or fleece) and hot glue.
the heart of the rose you get with this half-circle, which is folded on itself and secure with a hot glue (by the way, is very practical, dirty but everything he touches ... so usarne a trickle-ino-ino).
Pour réaliser, j'ai utilisé my falls red wool (but also with fleece or felt it would be perfect) and my glue gun. Nothing else, not even half an hour to finish everything!
If tagliano poi più o meno altri Petali semicircolare if fissano e alla base con la colla, ripetendo the Operazione per quattro volte o be a seconda che più o meno Vogliano fiori grown. Per rendere più Realistic mettet una punta di colla e sul retro del PETALO pizzicatelo leggermente, in modo da formare a Bordino ripiegato
For starters, a half circle that goes back on itself to form the same heart. All around, the other half circles, three or four, coller an après L'Autre. Plier chaque petals pour donner him an air plus vrai (j'ai mis a tout petit peu de fixer pour the hill PLIE)
Now the flowers are ready and can be pasted on the wreath.
The final effect is very simple and I like it so much! Tomorrow, the hang out of the door and scatter a nice photo:)
Voilà, la rose est priest. Je les collées to couronne et j'aime beaucoup sur but the rendu, et simple class!


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