Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Cube Runner Iphone Level 3

Conchiglioni with Taleggio and Gorgonzola cream cake with ricotta and strawberries

... I've always been a huge passion for cheese: I love them all, available in any way and with every possible combination, on top of my personal list is the gorgonzola, which often wondered as a child to my mum before dinner: I remember you I did taste a little baby lying on a square saucer.

The Grana Padano, which I love literally, reminds me of my childhood ... the great-grandmother's house in snack with bread and cheese represented pure joy for me!

And the ball into the dairy world has increased exponentially growing: when I go shopping I get lost in this department, kidnapped by a thousand different varieties that I would use to create many different recipes for all ...

This week, my desire was undecided: Gorgonzola or Taleggio cheese? But both of them, not!

I decided to use it as a filling for a pasta shape that well lends itself to this type of preparation, the conchiglioni .

The final touch was given by a generous amount of sauce and a generous sprinkling of cheese!


ingredients ( for a 25cm square baking dish side )

180 grams of conchiglioni

150 gr taleggio

200 gr gorgonzola sauce 250ml

pecorino cheese to taste

Boil conchiglioni in boiling salted water for 10 minutes , drain, pat dry and arrange in the pan.
Meanwhile, melt in water bath Taleggio, with whom he will fill one by one each codpiece.
Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
In a small saucepan, melt the blue cheese, add the sauce and stir well to mix the two ingredients.
Pour this mixture over the pasta, sprinkle with cheese and bake for about 10 minutes.

THANKS ... I would like to thank the two broccoli in the kitchen and Fiorella Francesca for giving me this wonderful prize:

and Valentina The aroma of coffee for thinking of me giving me this:

Sending you a big kiss!

These awards blogghine dedicate them to all of you, you give so much time, patience, care and even love your blog, with a special greeting to those who, like me, has just started this wonderful journey.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Disconnect Telephone Letter

This delicious cake was the final romantic dinner I prepared last night for my boyfriend: after being abroad for a week I wanted to spoil that sweet tooth con qualcosa di dolce! ;)

Quando ho avuto sottomano questa ricetta ho deciso subito che avrei dovuto provarla, vuoi per la genuinità degli ingredienti, vuoi per la semplicità della preparazione e l'abbinamento azzeccato delle fragole con la ricotta.

Ne è uscita una torta dalla consistenza così compatta che il mio ragazzo pensava fosse una sorta di semifreddo e non un prodotto da forno, morbidissima e delicata, con un profumo meraviglioso di fragole.

Ovviamente potete sostituire la fragole con lamponi, mirtilli o quello che la fantasia più vi ispira.

E' ottima spolverizzata con lo zucchero a velo ma anche accompagnata da un topping alla frutta.



500 gr di ricotta

150 gr di zucchero

3 uova

100 gr di farina

250 gr di fragole

zucchero a velo

In una ciotola capiente riunite la ricotta e lo zucchero e amalgamateli fino ad ottenere una crema omogenea.
Aggiungete le uova, la farina setacciata e le fragole precedentemente lavate a tagliate a tocchetti e mescolate delicatamente.
Versate l'impasto in uno stampo rivestito da carta da forno del diametro consigliato di 18 cm - io ne ho usato uno a forma di cuore perchè volevo una torta dalla forma romantica, ma basta che vi ricordiate che , ovviamente, se la volete più alta è meglio utilizzare uno stampo dal diametro più stretto - ed infornate in forno a 160 gradi per circa 45 minuti.
Fatela raffreddare, riponetela su un piatto da portata e spolverizzatela con lo zucchero a velo.


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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Neighbour Showering With Blinds Open

morsels of meat in hazelnut crust

I finished exams! ! Yesterday I gave the last hours and days of total relaxation I expect that I will try to maximize, to rest, relax and groom from the list of recipes that I enticed those who prepare!

I just started this evening for dinner I always try to eat lightly - especially when I had lunch style "New Year's Eve" at the table - but the usual slice to the plate, that I become more than the rags did go with a knob of butter, just I did not ... so ... I have completely transformed: I created the pieces in crust, thanks to the outside so crisp pastry that surrounds them, they contain within itself the ham gives it a touch more flavor.



300g of beef

6 slices prosciutto 300g of flour

70g of butter at room temperature 1 egg

salt & pepper to taste

For the pastry, sift the flour and a pinch of salt in a bowl. Add the diced butter, an egg and 6 tablespoons of cold water and knead the mixture to blend perfectly all the ingredients form a ball that let it rest for half an hour on a plate covered with a pot just warmed in the oven.
Cut the meat into 12 pieces, let them go in a pan with a little oil a couple of minutes on each side and at the end with salt and pepper.
Divide the dough into 12 equal parts obtained, 2-3 mm thick. Wrap the pieces with
slices of ham cut in half, and arrange the pieces of dough that will close as a kind of bundle sealing the edges goods; Prick the dough with a fork and bake at 180 degrees for about half an hour, or until golden brown .

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Spiderman Birthday Cards

biscuits with dulce de leche & premium

I'm back, I'm back! Unfortunately I had to leave for ten days because of the study, I argued yesterday the first of three exams that await me this week and I'm happy because it went well! This has encouraged me for the other two, making me more calm and quiet ... and what better to relax a little? Cooking, no! And above all, return to your company .... I miss you so much! The

too hot these days that spring had nothing, here today has given way to a gloomy day and sadly I could not ask for a better turn on the oven, letting yourself be pampered by her warmth and intoxicated by the smell that would have given off ... I decided to finish the dulce de leche , looking at me every time I opened the fridge, in a really tasty: I used it as a filling for the cookies of pastry with hazelnuts .

The pastry recipe I got it from Arietta and I guarantee che è ottima: il risultato è stato la realizzazione di biscotti fragranti, resi gustosi dalle nocciole sminuzzate che si sentivano a ogni morso, e di una scioglievolezza finale incredibile.



450gr di farina 0

200gr di zucchero

250gr burro a temperatura ambiente

100gr di nocciole macinate grossolanamente

2 uova

1 pizzico di sale

per la farcitura

dulce de leche

zucchero a velo

In una ciotola setacciate la farina, aggiungete un pizzico di sale, lo zucchero e le nocciole sminuzzate. Incorporate il burro tagliato a dadini e le uova, mescolando poco con un cucchiaio. Lavorate il composto con le mani per poco tempo, giusto per far amalgamare tutti gli ingredienti alla perfezione tra loro.
Date all'impasto la forma di una palla, che avvolgerete con la pellicola trasparente e riporrete in frigorifero per circa un'ora.
Preriscaldate il forno a 180 gradi.
Sulla spianatoia infarinata stendete la pasta di uno spessore circa mezzo centimetro e con gli stampini che preferite create i biscotti .
Adagiarli su una placca da forna rivestita da carta forno e cuoceteli per circa un quarto d'ora .
Let cool, sprinkle with a little dulce de leche and add two and two.
Sprinkle, finally, with the icing sugar.

I also thank the two sisters and Francesca Fiorella per avermi donato questo bellissimo premio!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

What Causes A Copper Discoloration On Dog Coats

Thank you! Dulce de leche

Che bello, il mio blog ha ricevuto un altro graditissimo premio: quello simpatia!! Ancora una volta devo ringraziare le tesorille Fiorella e Francesca , due broccolette davvero gentili e carine!

Le condizioni per ritirarlo sono:

-raccontare a propria volta una barzelletta o un aneddoto divertente

-assegnare il premio a 5 o più cuochine
Ecco a voi una barzelletta...
Nella sala d'attesa di un veterinario, due sedie sono occupate da una gallina e da un uovo. Il dottore si affaccia dallo studio e domanda: "Chi è arrivato prima?"

Ed ora rigiro il premio a
Hugs a tutte!!

Citrus Fruit Bad Liver

...due ingredienti che si trovano sempre nelle nostre cucine, una preparazione talmente semplice da risultare praticamente un gioco, un unico utensile-un mestolo di legno, un pizzico di pazienza...ed ecco a voi...tadadada...il dulce de leche !

L'altro giorno avevo voglia di qualcosa di godurioso , per coccolare un me stessa in questo periodo fitto di studio, e per farmi passare la malinconia che questi giorni uggiosi avevano portato inevitabilmente...

Allora ho pensato a qualcosa di dolce, che si potesse gustare quietly ... a delicious cream to spread on bread or, better yet, eaten directly with a spoon spoon ... mmm ... how did yours truly!


ingredients :

1 liter of whole milk of good quality

300 grams of sugar a pinch of baking

Boil milk with sugar and baking soda, reduce heat, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon, for about 1 hour and a half.
last half 'now mix more often.
After this period of time, remove the cream from heat, turn it for a few minutes and put it in proper sterilized jars.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Power Rangers Slash Fanfic

Another award ... thank you!

That's great, I received another award! This very welcome surprise to me have given two very respectable cuochine, which have a really nice blog and Soratte full of delicious recipes: broccolini with beautiful then, and Frank Fiorella !
This award
the turnaround time for my lovely blog, which are mouth-watering just looking at it:

Lory - http://dolciesalatetentazioni.blogspot.com/

Pupina - http://fragolelimone . blogspot.com /

Federica - http://federicaincucina.blogspot.com/

Annamaria - http://lacucinaincantata.blogspot.com/

Imma - http://dolciagogo.blogspot . com /

Ummmm ... now I have to list eight resolutions, ie, things that I propose for a future ... not too close!

1.Cercare to overcome my shyness, showing that they are happy and chatterbox.

2.Seek to find more time for myself, now almost entirely dedicated to the study.

3.Double more ... mmm ... begin some sport activity.

4.Provare many new recipes.

5.Riprendere activity decoupage.

6.Risparmiare ding for many thousands of projects that make me dream with my boyfriend.

7.Trovare a job that allows me to have some input.

8.Capire how many beautiful things life has given me so much ... you can not change those negative.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

How To Get Pokemon Games On Cydia

crepes with spinach and ham in béchamel

Per me, già da prima che aprissi questo blog, l'appuntamento in edicola per rifornirmi delle mie riviste di cucina preferite era irrinunciabile, ed ora è diventato più che mai indispensabile: da quelle pagine così curate e perfette cerco di prendere spunto...m'immagino già in cucina alle prese con tutte quelle bellissime ricette, sperando che vengano favolose come nella foto, anche se, in realtà, mi basta l'espressione felice del mio ragazzo o delle mie amiche che assaggiando uno dei miei piatti mi sorridono...

L'altro giorno, sfogliando il nuovo numero di Cucinare bene, ho scelto tra tutte le ricette che mi ero appuntata, facendo un orecchio alle pagine meritevoli attention, that of the crepes with spinach and ham in béchamel , a first really made all the more delicious by the infinite goodness of delicious sauce.


ingredients for the crepes :

250g flour 250ml milk 3 eggs

20g butter (room temperature)

a pinch of salt

for the topping: 400g frozen spinach

onion to taste salt & pepper to taste

30g butter 30g grated cheese

6 slices ham

250ml white sauce for the crepes, sift the flour into a bowl, add milk, butter and a pinch of salt and stir well, then add the eggs and mix together with an electric mixer, to get a good mix without lumps.
Cover the preparation with a burrazzo and allow to rest for about a quarter of an hour.
Prepare each pancake on a frying pan by pouring a ladle of batter, which will thicken, making it solid, if left about 3 minutes per side on the fire, remove the crepe from the heat and transfer it onto a plate. For
the filling, melt the butter in a pan to which you add the chopped onion to taste making it dry for about 2 minutes, now add previously boiled spinach and cook. Season with salt and pepper, add 4 tablespoons of sauce and grated cheese and mix well.
Put a slice of ham and a spoonful of spinach on each crepe, fold it in triangles and arrange on a greased baking sheet. Spread on crepes
lying in the sauce pan and sprinkle with grated cheese.
Bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes.